

DownloadPurchase Fences 3

Automatically organize your desktop shortcuts and icons with Fences! Check out the included features and download today!


Fences helps you organize your PC by automatically placing your shortcuts and icons into resizable shaded areas on your desktop called fences.

fences - 優惠推薦

【正版序號】Stardock Fences 5 Fences 4 桌面整理軟體官方永久版本. $529.

Fences ® 4

Work Efficiently and Stay Organized. Keep your desktop and workflows organized with Fences, an application that intelligently groups files, apps, and folders ...

Stardock Fences 3 ( 中文版

2021年7月23日 — 拯救塞爆的桌面- Fences(桌面柵欄、桌面分區),你是否有桌面項目多到「超出邊界」都沒辦法整理的困擾?這個桌面增強外掛是專門為你設計的,安裝過程 ...

Stardock Fences 5

Create a fence that automatically puts all screenshots into a single folder on your desktop. Categorize icons into separate fences based on usage, such as ...

Stardock Fences® 4

Fences 透過自動將捷徑和圖示放置在桌面上可調整的陰影區域(稱為欄框) 協助您組織管理電腦。 它的許多自訂功能使Fences 成為世界上最受歡迎的Windows 桌面增強軟體。

Stardock Fences® 4

Fences 透過自動將捷徑和圖示放置在桌面上可調整的陰影區域(稱為欄框) 協助您組織管理電腦。 它的許多自訂功能使Fences 成為世界上最受歡迎的Windows 桌面增強軟體。

【心得】【分享】Stardock Fences 4,高效/簡潔/桌面整理工具

2022年7月23日 — 它最大的特點就是,可依照不同的檔案類型、名稱、時間等自訂規則,將圖標分類到各個區塊,從而保持電腦桌面的整齊劃一。